How Important Is Teeth Cleaning for Kids?

kids Teeth Cleaning

According to recent Public Health England (PHE) research, almost one-in-four children aged 5 in 2019 complained of tooth decay. In 2017, the statistics were the same, indicating that no progress had been made, and considering the present eating habits of children, the declining data should not be surprising. With growing teeth and oral health problems in kids, one question many parents have is – should we take our kids for teeth cleaning?

But, how critical are teeth cleaning for kids, and what to take care of when taking your kids for teeth cleaning – You’ll find everything right here in this blog!

What is Kid’s Teeth Cleaning?

Dental prophylaxis, aka deep teeth cleaning, is a defined procedure that profoundly cleanses the teeth and improves gum inflammation. 

When you take your kid for deep cleaning, the dentist removes the plaque, calculus, and stains on the surface of teeth above the gum line. This is done using specialized equipment like Fine Hand Tools, Ultrasonic Equipment, and others. 

A plague is an accumulation of bacteria on the surface of the teeth that can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. If you ignore plague, your kid might get calculus, the hardened plaque that happens when it isn’t treated at the initial level. 

Personal dental hygiene habits like brushing and flossing help get rid of plaque, but not 100%. Regular dental cleaning of your child’s teeth makes all problems highly avoidable. Fluoride is also helpful in strengthening children’s teeth and preventing tooth decay. 

But, is the kid’s teeth cleaning similar to an adult’s teeth cleaning procedure? Well, find yourself. 

How does Children’s Teeth Cleaning Differ from Adults?

The teeth cleaning process in adults and kids are almost similar, with one significant difference, the observation and assessment parameters used by the dentist. 

In the case of adult teeth cleaning, dental issues like gum diseases, long-term tooth decay, and the intensity of flossing are some factors that the dentist considers. 

In contrast, a pediatric dentist evaluates the teeth and their development in children. Pediatric dentist holds the same qualifications as general dentist, but they are veterans, especially in how to deal with and treat children for dental health. 

A child’s dental cleaning might not be as rigorous as an adult’s since everything is taken care of from the beginning. It would require less time since there would be fewer plagues. The quality of teeth degrades over time; at a young age, everything is smooth and easy when taken care of.

How Important Is Teeth Cleaning For Kids?

Teeth cleaning for kids is as imperative as it is for adults. It should ideally begin from the very beginning as it can close the door for all future teeth and gum problems such as gingivitis and periodontitis. 

Also, when you are regular with your kid’s appointments with the dentist, you preserve the quality of the teeth if that makes them last longer and healthier. So, your child can probably smile for a long time until the teeth fall off. 

Another critical factor is that children tend to consume a lot of sugary food items, which is the number one cause of the plague that later converts into calculus. Thus, it becomes more critical for them to get regular cleaning done.

How Do A Child’s Teeth Cleaning Help?

There are some solid advantages and merits of having a comprehensive dental plan for your child that are listed below:

#1. Avoid teeth infection

Teeth and dental infections in kids are no surprise; it mainly occurs when hygiene isn’t maintained. Some of the common teeth infections in kids are:

  •  Tooth Decay (Cavities)
  • Tooth Sensitivity
  •  Pediatric Gingivitis 
  • Gum Disease
  • Open bite and tongue thrusting
  • Premature loss of a tooth 

What To Do?

With professional teeth cleaning of your child, you ensure that they have a cleaner mouth that helps avoid infections.

#2. Helps Avoid Cavities

The problem of tooth cavities in kids is widespread. One of the prime reasons for tooth cavities is poor oral hygiene and unmoved or uncleaned plaque. Also, bacteria becomes a problem when cleanliness isn’t maintained.

What To Do?

You have a responsibility, particularly for kids who don’t realize the consequences of eating too many sweets and not brushing correctly, to check it out and do what is necessary. Thus, with a timely dental cleaning, your child is likely to face fewer to no dental problems.

#3. It helps Prevent Gum Diseases

Gum disease is yet another painful and common problem. The first stage of gum disease is called gingivitis, a reversible condition. 

In this, the below-mentioned symptoms generally occur:

  • Swelling in gums swell
  • Bleeding
  • Receding
  • Leading to tooth sensitivity

Once infected, the teeth will gradually fall out. But you can avoid that! When left untreated, it takes the shape of periodontitis, an advanced and irreversible stage of gum disease. 

What To Do?

The cause of gum disease is plaque that accumulates due to various factors. Hence, using routine dental cleaning, you can remove it from your child’s mouth and preserve the gums, which will help keep the teeth healthy.   

#4. Helps Maintain Good Oral Health

Every oral problem related to gums and teeth happens because of a dirty mouth. When the mouth is full of harmful bacteria, problems develop. The most reliable solution once and for all is to maintain cleanliness and sound oral health. 

What To Do?

Take your kid for a regular dental cleaning as it gives your child a healthier mouth free from germs and bacteria. 

#5. Bright Teeth

Who doesn’t want shiny and pearly white teeth? Clean teeth add so much to the overall appearance. If you have noted it well enough, a cavity is what everyone notices first. 

What To Do?

Dental cleaning not only resolves the purpose of cleaning but also helps in teeth polishing, resulting in brighter and healthier-looking teeth.  

#6. Leaves Them With The Fresh Breath

When you brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste every morning, don’t you instantly start to feel fresh? Though not taken into consideration, fresh breath is such a crucial thing for everyone. It is definite that a clean mouth and fresh breath also help feel fresh. Your child deserves this feeling too!

What To Do?

Take your kid to a dentist who will work on removing plaque and calculus. It ensures that your child breathes fresh and clean, which also helps develop confidence. 

#7. It Helps To Save Money

Prevention is not only better than cure but also cheaper than cure! By taking these little steps for your children today, you will prevent bigger expenses in the future. 

What To Do?

Dental visits for teeth problems cost a heavy pocket. Instead, if you are cautious and preventive for your child’s oral health, visiting for teeth cleaning once in six months isn’t an expensive plan.

Now that you know how essential teeth cleaning is for your kids, the next question you might think about is when is the right time for a kid’s first teeth cleaning?

When Should Children Get Their First Teeth Cleaning?

First and foremost, don’t wait for their permanent teeth to replace the primary or milk teeth. Though this stage may deem to be too early, the fact is, the earlier, the better.

  • You can take your child to the dentist within six months after the eruption of their 1st teeth. That’s when they turn one year old. 
  • From the age of 2 years or as directed by your doctor, you should begin having your teeth cleaned. 

A dentist can assess the child’s teeth structure development and health of your child’s teeth. During these regular visits, the child is familiar with the routine and will not be scared the next time. 

What To Do If Your Child Faces Dental Anxiety? 

Your child might freak out due to dental anxiety, which is a real problem. Dental anxiety is the fear of going to the dentist that leads to:

  • Shakiness
  • Dizziness
  • Tears
  • Sweating
  • Needle and pin tingling sensations

Children are not very quickly responsive to dentists, eventually leading to dental anxiety. Thus, taking your child to regular dental visits early will help keep this situation at bay! 

After all, “my child is good with dentists – said no parent ever.” 

How Should I Prepare for a Dental Visit with My Child?

Teeth cleaning is not a painful process at all. When you take your child to a pediatric dentist, who specializes in treating dental problems in children, they clean their teeth with extra care. Introducing your child to the process early won’t experience anxiety later when visiting the dentist for something else. As a parent, you are responsible for taking your child to a dentist from the beginning.

For your child’s first visit to the dentist, or if you haven’t taken them to the expert as many times, here are things you need to follow:

  • Ensure that you visit a professional who is good at behavior management and offers sedation. Also, you should take the toddlers to pediatric dentists rather than a dentist who treats patients of all age groups. It will ensure the specialized care you need for them.
  • Use positive words when telling your child about the dental appointment. Let them visualize an easy and effective process through the message you send them. 
  • Convey the positive results the visit will facilitate. Say, if they have a toothache, tell them it will go away once you return after seeing the expert. For a dental cleaning visit, discuss the positive effects like bright teeth, fresh breath, and cleanness that the process will reward them with.

The Parting Notes For Loving Parents 

Take your kid to the pediatric dentist as soon as their first teeth erupt. It’s mandatory every six months, so don’t miss the teeth cleaning appointments. Your child’s teeth need equal care as yours. You can change how tooth problems appear through your awareness of dental health.

Disclaimer: Ensure that your child’s first dental visit happens as soon as they are one year old. This is an appropriate time when you should let your child start seeing a dentist. This is when they don’t know much about dental problems; thus, it will keep everything accessible while getting them a hang of what these visits look like. However, every kid is different, and therefore, the final call should be by a recognized dentist about the frequency of a kid’s teeth cleaning. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

#1. How long does the kids’ teeth cleaning process take?

#2. What does a kid’s teeth cleaning process involve?

#3. Is cleaning still required even if my child brushes his teeth twice daily and flosses too?

#4. When should I take my child to the dentist?

#5. Does dental cleaning weaken the roots?

#6. At what frequency should I take my child for a dental cleaning?

#7. Which dentist do I take my child to?

#8. Is teeth whitening the same as dental cleaning?

#9. How can I take care of my child’s oral health?

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